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1 Resultado de traducción para sheets en español


sheet noun

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hoja (de papel); capa (de hielo, etc.); lámina, placa (de vidrio, metal, etc.), plancha (de metal, madera, etc.)
word of the day image
Sheets hanging out to dry after washing

Ejemplos de uso de
sheet noun

  • We bought box of writing paper containing 24 sheets and 12 envelopes.
  • The sheets are changed daily at the hotel.

Traducción inversa para sheets

hoja  (de papel) - leaf, petal, blade (of grass), sheet (of paper), page (of a book), form, blade (of a knife) 
capa  (de hielo, etc.) - cape, cloak, coating, layer, stratum, (social) class, stratum 
lámina  - sheet, plate, plate, illustration 
placa  (de vidrio, metal, etc.) - sheet, plate, plaque, nameplate, plate (in photography), badge, insignia 
plancha  (de metal, madera, etc.) - iron, ironing, grill, griddle, sheet, plate, blunder, blooper 
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