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2 Resultados de traducción para seesaws en español

noun | verb

seesaw noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
balancín, subibaja
word of the day image
Two children on a seesaw in a public playground

Ejemplos de uso de
seesaw noun

  • Their relationship was an emotional seesaw.

seesaw verb

unfavorite favorite
seesawed, has seesawed, is seesawing, seesaws
columpiarse, jugar en un subibaja; vacilar, oscilar

Ejemplos de uso de
seesaw verb

  • The lead seesawed between the two runners right up to the finish line.
  • as their boat seesawed in the rough water, the rescue team tried to get the passengers off the sinking ship

Sinónimos de
seesaw verb

Traducción inversa para seesaws

balancín  - rocking chair, seesaw 
subibaja  - seesaw 
columpiarse  - to swing 
vacilar  - to hesitate, to vacillate, to waver, to be unsteady, to wobble, to flicker, to joke, to fool around 
oscilar  - to swing, to sway, to oscillate, to fluctuate, to vacillate, to waver 
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