Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para riots en español

noun | verb

riot noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
motín, tumulto, alboroto

Ejemplos de uso de
riot noun

  • The news about the election caused a riot in the city.
  • A lot of property was damaged in the recent riots.
  • The woods are a riot of color in the autumn.
  • The movie was an absolute riot.

riot verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
rioted, has rioted, is rioting, riots

Ejemplos de uso de
riot verb

  • Students rioted after their team lost the football game.

Traducción inversa para riots

motín  - riot, rebellion, mutiny 
tumulto  - commotion, tumult, riot, crowd 
alboroto  - disturbance, ruckus, riot 
amotinarse  - to riot, to rebel, to mutiny 
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