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2 Resultados de traducción para relaunch en español

verb | noun

launch verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
launched, has launched, is launching, launches
lanzar; botar (un barco); iniciar, empezar

Ejemplos de uso de
launch verb

  • The enemy launched an attack at sunrise.
  • She's trying to launch a new career as a singer.
  • The police have launched an investigation into his activities.
  • He helped launch her in her career as a singer.
  • The company is expected to launch several new products next year.
  • You can launch the program by double-clicking on the icon.

Sinónimos de
launch verb

launch noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
lanzamiento; lancha (bote)

Sinónimos de
launch noun

Traducción inversa para relaunch

lanzar  - to throw, to hurl, to pitch, to launch, to roll out 
botar  (un barco) - to throw, to fling, to hurl, to throw out, to throw away, to launch (a ship) 
iniciar  - to initiate, to begin 
empezar  - to start, to begin 
lanzamiento  - throw, pitch (in baseball), launching, launch 
lancha  (bote) - small boat, launch 
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