Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para recognitions en español


recognition noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
recognition noun

  • The procedure is gaining recognition as the latest advance in organ transplant surgery.
  • The Olympic Committee gave official recognition to the sport.
  • His smile was a recognition that things were not so bad.
  • Her paintings received recognition from her fellow artists.
  • All she wanted was some recognition for her work.
  • He finally received the recognition that he deserved.
  • They were awarded medals in recognition of their bravery.

Sinónimos de
recognition noun

Sinónimos detallados para recognition noun

Recognition, identification, realization significan una forma de cognición que asocia la percepción de algo nuevo con un conocimiento previamente adquirido.
  • Recognition indica que la cosa que ahora se percibe se ha percibido anteriormente, y que la mente está consciente de que las dos cosas son la misma cosa, o son idénticas <public recognition of the errors that were made>.
  • Identification añade a recognition la indicación de un conocimiento previo que le permite a uno reconocer la cosa como un miembro individual de una clase <the identification of bird species>.
  • Realization connota tener conciencia total de algo <the slow realization that everything had changed>.

Traducción inversa para recognitions

reconocimiento  - acknowledgment, recognition, avowal, (medical) examination, reconnaissance 
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