Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para posting en español

noun | verb

posting noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
comunicación, publicación; destino (laboral)

post verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
posted, has posted, is posting, posts
(británico) mandar, enviar (por correo); anunciar; fijar, poner (noticias, etc.); (internet) publicar, postear

Ejemplos de uso de
post verb

  • When we lost our cat, we posted signs all over the neighborhood asking if people had seen him.
  • I read through the previous messages, then posted a quick response.

Sinónimos de
post verb

Traducción inversa para posting

comunicación  - communication, access, link, message, report 
publicación  - publication 
destino  (laboral) - destiny, fate, destination, use, assignment, post 
mandar  (británico)
enviar  (por correo) - to send, to ship 
anunciar  - to announce, to advertise, to foreshadow 
fijar  - to fasten, to affix, to establish, to set up, to set, to fix 
poner  (noticias, etc.) - to contribute, to put, to place, to set up, to establish, to install, to put in, to make, to turn on, to switch on, to suppose, to lay (eggs), to lay eggs, to put in, to add, 
publicar  (internet)
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