Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para poked en español


poke verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
poked, has poked, is poking, pokes
asomar, introducir; golpear (con la punta de algo), dar
word of the day image
Girl poking her head out of a hole at the playground

Ejemplos de uso de
poke verb

  • I accidentally poked my finger right through the old fabric.
  • Throwing pencils is not allowed because someone's eye could get poked out.

Sinónimos de
poke verb

Traducción inversa para poked

asomar  - to appear, to become visible, to show, to stick out 
introducir  - to introduce, to bring in, to insert, to input, to enter 
golpear  (con la punta de algo) - to beat (up), to hit, to knock (at a door), to beat, to slam, to bang, to strike 
dar  - to give, to suffice, to be enough, to deliver, to hand over, to hit, to strike, to yield, to produce, to perform, to give off, to emit 
Word of the day

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