Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para pair up en español


pair up verb

unfavorite favorite
encontrarle pareja, emparejar, juntar
word of the day image
Students pair up for lab experiments.

pair noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
par (de objetos), pareja (de personas o animales)

Ejemplos de uso de
pair noun

  • He blushed when he saw all three pairs of eyes watching him.
  • She won with a pair of aces.
  • I got my first pair of glasses when I was eight.
  • His two closest friends lived in the city and the pair of them visited him often.
  • The dance is usually performed by a male and female pair.
  • Those two kids make quite a pair.
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far from it
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Traducción inversa para pair up

emparejar  - to pair, to match up, to catch up, to make even 
juntar  - to unite, to combine, to put together, to collect, to gather together, to assemble, to close partway