Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para owned en español


own verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
owned, has owned, is owning, owns
poseer, tener, ser dueño de; reconocer, admitir

Ejemplos de uso de
own verb

  • We hope to someday own our own home.
  • She drives a red truck that was originally owned by her grandfather.
  • He owns the rights to the band's music.
  • The couple owns and operates the business.
  • After everyone else denied any responsibility, he owned that he was at fault.

Sinónimos de
own verb

Sinónimos detallados para own verb

Ver: Have

Traducción inversa para owned

poseer  - to possess, to hold, to have 
tener  - to have, to hold, to feel, to make 
reconocer  - to recognize, to admit, to examine 
admitir  - to admit, to let in, to acknowledge, to concede, to allow, to make room for 
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