Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para overflows en español

noun | verb

overflow noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
derrame, desbordamiento (de un río); exceso, excedente

Ejemplos de uso de
overflow noun

  • a great overflow of water from the heavy rains swept mud and silt down onto the highway
  • an overflow of help actually made the job more complicated

Sinónimos de
overflow noun

overflow verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
overflowed, has overflowed, is overflowing, overflows
desbordar; desbordarse, rebosar; inundar

Ejemplos de uso de
overflow verb

  • The river overflowed its banks.
  • The creek overflows every spring.
  • The water in the tub overflowed.
  • Books and papers overflowed his desk.
  • The paragraph overflowed the page.

Sinónimos de
overflow verb

Sinónimos detallados para overflow verb

Ver: Teem

Traducción inversa para overflows

derrame  - spilling, shedding, leakage, overflow, discharge, hemorrhage 
desbordamiento  (de un río) - overflowing 
exceso  - excess 
excedente  - surplus, excess 
desbordar  - to overflow, to spill over, to surpass, to exceed 
rebosar  - to overflow, to radiate 
inundar  - to flood, to inundate 
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