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merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para moulding en español

verb | noun

mold verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
molded, has molded, is molding, molds
(literal y figurado) moldear, formar; enmohecerse
word of the day image
A pair of hands molding clay

molding noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
moldura (en arquitectura)

Ejemplos de uso de
molding noun

  • The house has beautiful moldings around its doors and windows.

Traducción inversa para moulding

moldear  (literal y figurado)
formar  - to form, to make, to constitute, to make up, to train, to educate 
enmohecerse  - to become moldy, to rust, to become rusty 
moldura  (en arquitectura) - molding 
Word of the day

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