Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para moors en español

noun | verb

moor noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
brezal, páramo; moro, -ra

Ejemplos de uso de
moor noun

  • as she wanders the windswept moor, the novel's heroine vows that she will never marry the vicar
  • a mysterious figure who was said to have haunted the moors of southwest England

moor verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
moored, has moored, is mooring, moors

Ejemplos de uso de
moor verb

  • We found a harbor and moored the boat there for the night.
  • The boat was moored alongside the dock.
  • We need to find a place to moor for the night.

Sinónimos de
moor verb

Sinónimos detallados para moor verb

Ver: Fasten, Tie

Traducción inversa para moors

brezal  - heath, moor 
páramo  - barren plateau, moor 
moro  - Moor, Muslim 
amarrar  - to moor (a boat), to fasten, to tie up, to tie down 
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