Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para massive en español


massive adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
voluminoso, macizo; masivo, enorme

Ejemplos de uso de
massive adjective

  • The fort had massive walls.
  • The universe is full of stars more massive than our sun.
  • A massive effort will be required to clean up the debris.
  • You can find a massive amount of information on the Internet.
  • The stunt received massive publicity.
  • My nephew has a massive collection of baseball cards.

Sinónimos de
massive adjective

Traducción inversa para massive

voluminoso  - voluminous, massive, bulky 
macizo  - solid, strong, strapping, massive 
masivo  - mass 
enorme  - enormous, huge 
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