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3 Resultados de traducción para jacks en español

noun | noun | verb

jacks noun

unfavorite favorite

jack noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
gato, cric; pabellón; enchufe hembra; jota, valet

Ejemplos de uso de
jack noun

  • I'd buy that watch, but I don't have the jack right now.
  • a Portuguese ship flying the national jack

Sinónimos de
jack noun

jack verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
jacked, has jacked, is jacking, jacks
levantar (con un gato); subir, aumentar

Sinónimos de
jack verb

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Traducción inversa para jacks

gato  - jack (for an automobile), cat 
cric  - jack 
pabellón  - pavilion, summerhouse, lodge, flag (of a vessel) 
jota  - jot, bit, jack (in playing cards) 
valet  - jack (in playing cards) 
levantar  (con un gato) - to lift, to raise, to put up, to erect, to call off, to adjourn, to give rise to, to arouse 
subir  - to bring up, to take up, to go up, to come up, to climb, to go up, to rise, to increase, to raise, to be promoted 
aumentar  - to rise, to increase, to grow, to increase, to raise