Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para inflamed en español


inflame verb

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inflamed, has inflamed, is inflaming, inflames
inflamar, encender; inflamarse; inflamar (una herida); provocar

Ejemplos de uso de
inflame verb

  • His angry speech inflamed the mob.
  • ideas that inflame the imagination
  • His comments have inflamed an already tense situation.
  • inflaming the passions of the mob
  • a chemical that can inflame the skin

Sinónimos de
inflame verb

Traducción inversa para inflamed

inflamar  - to inflame 
encender  - to light, to light, to set fire to, to switch on, to start (a motor), to arouse, to kindle 
inflamar  (una herida) - to inflame 
provocar  - to provoke, to cause, to provoke, to pique 
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