Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para incomes en español


income noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
ingresos, entradas

Ejemplos de uso de
income noun

  • Any income from investments must be reported.
  • Farming is his main source of income.
  • Even on two incomes, we're having a hard time keeping up with our bills.
  • He earns a good income as a consultant.
  • What was the company's annual income?

Sinónimos de
income noun

Sinónimos detallados para income noun

Ver: Wage, Wage

Traducción inversa para incomes

ingresos  - entrance, entry, admission 
entradas  - entrance, entry, ticket, admission, beginning, onset, entr?e, cue (in music) 
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