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merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para hoots en español

verb | noun

hoot verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
hooted, has hooted, is hooting, hoots
gritar; ulular (dícese de un buho), tocar la bocina (dícese de un vehículo), silbar (dícese de un tren o un barco)

Ejemplos de uso de
hoot verb

  • We could hear an owl hooting in the woods.
  • I hooted at the car in front of me.
  • The crowd booed and hooted when it was announced that the show was canceled.
  • The crowd hooted its disapproval.
  • The speaker was hooted off the platform by a small group of protesters.

Sinónimos de
hoot verb

hoot noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
ululato (de un buho), silbido (de un tren), bocinazo (de un vehículo); carcajada, risotada

Ejemplos de uso de
hoot noun

  • The announcement was met with hoots of derision.
  • the courtroom erupted in hoots of laughter upon hearing the witness's sarcastic retort

Sinónimos de
hoot noun

Traducción inversa para hoots

gritar  - to shout, to scream, to snap out, to cry 
ulular  (dícese de un buho) - to hoot, to howl, to wail 
tocar la bocina  (dícese de un vehículo)
silbar  (dícese de un tren o un barco) - to whistle 
ululato  (de un buho) - hoot (of an owl), wail (of a person) 
silbido  (de un tren) - whistle, whistling 
bocinazo  (de un vehículo) - honk (of a horn) 
carcajada  - loud laugh, guffaw 
risotada  - guffaw 
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