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2 Resultados de traducción para heaves en español

verb | noun

heave verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
heaved, has heaved, is heaving, heaves
levantar con esfuerzo; subir y bajar, palpitar (dícese del pecho); lanzar, tirar

Ejemplos de uso de
heave verb

  • She heaved the door shut.
  • The quarterback heaved the ball down the field.
  • She sat down and heaved a sigh of relief.

Sinónimos de
heave verb

Sinónimos detallados para heave verb

Ver: Lift

heave noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
gran esfuerzo (para levantar algo); lanzamiento

Ejemplos de uso de
heave noun

  • We lifted the box onto the table with a heave.
  • He gave the rope a mighty heave.
  • The quarterback uncorked a mighty heave.

Sinónimos de
heave noun

Traducción inversa para heaves

palpitar  (dícese del pecho) - to palpitate, to throb 
lanzar  - to throw, to hurl, to pitch, to launch, to roll out 
tirar  - to pull, to draw, to throw, to hurl, to toss, to shoot, to throw away, to throw out, to waste, to attract, to knock down, to shoot, to fire, to launch, to get by, to manage, to take (a photo), to print, to run off 
gran esfuerzo  (para levantar algo)
lanzamiento  - throw, pitch (in baseball), launching, launch 
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