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2 Resultados de traducción para harbingers en español

noun | verb

harbinger noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
heraldo, precursor; presagio

Ejemplos de uso de
harbinger noun

  • her father's successful job interview was seen as a harbinger of better times to come

Sinónimos de
harbinger noun

Sinónimos detallados para harbinger noun

Ver: Forerunner

harbinger verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
harbingered, has harbingered, is harbingering, harbingers
anunciar, presagiar

Ejemplos de uso de
harbinger verb

  • the hope that the housing slump does not harbinger a general economic recession

Traducción inversa para harbingers

heraldo  - herald 
precursor  - forerunner, precursor 
presagio  - omen, portent 
anunciar  - to announce, to advertise, to foreshadow 
presagiar  - to presage, to portend 
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