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half price
A mitad de precio
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half noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
mitad; tiempo (en deportes)

Ejemplos de uso de
half noun

  • She broke each cookie into halves.
  • “Which half do you want?” “I'll take the smaller half.”
  • Two halves make a whole.
  • The team fell behind in the first half but rallied in the second half to win the game.
  • “What's yours?” “A half of lager, please.”
¿Sabías esto?
  • Cuando se habla de tiempo, se pueden usar las dos formas: one and a half hours o an hour and a half; one and a half years o a year and a half.
    Cuando se habla de medidas, es normal decir one and a half tons, one and a half miles, etc.
¿Cuál es la forma plural de half?
  • La forma plural de half es halves.
    Half es una de las palabras donde la f final se vuelve una ve en la forma plural.

price noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Ejemplos de uso de
price noun

  • You paid a high price for the car.
  • We bought the house at a good price.
  • The price of milk rose.
  • What is the difference in price between the two cars?
  • I know he said he wouldn't do it, but I think it's just a matter of finding his price.

Sinónimos de
price noun