Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para foolish en español


foolish adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
insensato, estupido; idiota, tonto
word of the day image
A foolish man reading a newspaper on railroad tracks

Ejemplos de uso de
foolish adjective

  • He was wearing a foolish grin.
  • She's been taking foolish risks.
  • Those flashy clothes make her look foolish.
  • She must feel foolish wearing those flashy clothes.
  • I never thought you'd be foolish enough to believe him.

Sinónimos de
foolish adjective

Sinónimos detallados para foolish adjective

Ver: Silly

Traducción inversa para foolish

insensato  - foolish, senseless 
estupido  - stupid 
idiota  - idiotic, stupid, foolish 
tonto  - dumb, stupid, silly