Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para flapped en español


flap verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
flapped, has flapped, is flapping, flaps
aletear; batir, agitar; ondear, agitarse

Ejemplos de uso de
flap verb

  • The breeze flapped the sails.
  • The flag flapped in the breeze.
  • The bird's wings were flapping.

Sinónimos de
flap verb

Traducción inversa para flapped

aletear  - to flutter, to flap one's wings 
batir  - to beat, to hit, to defeat, to mix, to beat, to break (a record) 
agitar  - to agitate, to shake, to wave, to flap, to stir up 
ondear  - to ripple, to undulate, to flutter 
agitarse  - to toss about, to flap around, to get upset 
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