Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para flail en español

noun | verb

flail noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

flail verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
flailed, has flailed, is flailing, flails
trillar (grano); sacudir, agitar (los brazos)

Ejemplos de uso de
flail verb

  • They were flailing their arms to drive away the insects.
  • The wounded animal lay on the ground, flailing helplessly.
  • He was wildly flailing about on the dance floor.
  • The bird's wings flailed the water.

Traducción inversa para flail

trillar  (grano) - to thresh 
sacudir  - to shake, to beat, to jerk, to jolt, to dust off, to shake up, to shock 
agitar  (los brazos) - to agitate, to shake, to wave, to flap, to stir up 
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