Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para fester en español

noun | verb

fester noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
absceso, pústula

Ejemplos de uso de
fester noun

  • pus oozed out of the fester

fester verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
festered, has festered, is festering, festers
enconarse, supurar

Ejemplos de uso de
fester verb

  • His wounds festered for days before he got medical attention.
  • His feelings of resentment have festered for years.
  • We should deal with these problems now instead of allowing them to fester.

Traducción inversa para fester

absceso  - abscess 
pústula  - pustule, pimple 
enconarse  - to become heated, to fester 
supurar  - to ooze, to discharge 
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