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1 Resultado de traducción para extinguished en español


extinguish verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
extinguished, has extinguished, is extinguishing, extinguishes
extinguir, apagar

Ejemplos de uso de
extinguish verb

  • The fire department was called in to extinguish the blaze.
  • He extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray.
  • They ruthlessly extinguished all resistance.
  • News of the conflict extinguished our hopes for a peaceful resolution.

Sinónimos detallados para extinguish verb

Ver: Abolish, Crush

Traducción inversa para extinguished

extinguir  - to extinguish, to put out, to wipe out 
apagar  - to turn off, to shut off, to extinguish, to put out 
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