Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para executed en español


execute verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
executed, has executed, is executing, executes
ejecutar, llevar a cabo, desempeñar; cumplir (un testamento, etc.); ajusticiar

Ejemplos de uso de
execute verb

  • He was captured, tried, and executed for murder.
  • They carefully executed the plan.
  • The pilot executed an emergency landing.
  • The quarterback executed the play perfectly.
  • execute the provisions of the will

Sinónimos detallados para execute verb

Ver: Kill, Perform

Traducción inversa para executed

ejecutar  - to execute, to put to death, to carry out, to perform 
desempeñar  - to play (a role), to fulfill, to carry out, to redeem (from a pawnshop) 
cumplir  (un testamento, etc.) - to accomplish, to carry out, to expire, to fall due, to comply with, to fulfill, to fulfill one's obligations, to attain, to reach 
ajusticiar  - to execute, to put to death 
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