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merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para encroaches en español


encroach verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
encroached, has encroached, is encroaching, encroaches
extralimitarse, abusarse; invadir, ocupar

Ejemplos de uso de
encroach verb

  • The suburbs encroach further into the rural areas each year.
  • each year the sea continues to encroach upon the island's beaches

Sinónimos de
encroach verb

Sinónimos detallados para encroach verb

Ver: Trespass

Traducción inversa para encroaches

invadir  - to invade 
ocupar  - to occupy, to take possession of, to hold (a position), to employ, to keep busy, to fill (space, time), to inhabit (a dwelling), to bother, to concern 
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