Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para employs en español

verb | noun

employ verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
employed, has employed, is employing, employs
usar, utilizar; contratar, emplear; ocupar, dedicar

Ejemplos de uso de
employ verb

  • The company is accused of employing questionable methods to obtain the contract.
  • You should find better ways to employ your time.
  • I had to employ a lawyer to review the contract.
  • It's a small company, employing a staff of only 20.

Sinónimos de
employ verb

Sinónimos detallados para employ verb

Ver: Use

employ noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
puesto, cargo, ocupación

Ejemplos de uso de
employ noun

  • while you're under our employ, you can't do outside work for our competitors

Traducción inversa para employs

usar  - to use, to make use of, to consume, to use (up), to wear 
utilizar  - to use, to utilize 
contratar  - to contract for, to hire, to engage 
emplear  - to employ, to use 
ocupar  - to occupy, to take possession of, to hold (a position), to employ, to keep busy, to fill (space, time), to inhabit (a dwelling), to bother, to concern 
dedicar  - to dedicate, to devote 
puesto  - place, position, position, job, kiosk, stand, stall 
cargo  - burden, load, charge, position, office 
ocupación  - occupation, activity, occupancy, employment, job 
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