Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para emits en español


emit verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
emitted, has emitted, is emitting, emits
emitir, despedir, producir

Ejemplos de uso de
emit verb

  • The telescope can detect light emitted by distant galaxies.
  • chimneys emitting thick, black smoke
  • The brakes emitted a loud squeal.

Traducción inversa para emits

emitir  - to emit, to give off, to broadcast, to issue, to cast (a vote) 
despedir  - to see off, to show out, to dismiss, to fire, to give off, to emit 
producir  - to produce, to make, to manufacture, to cause, to bring about, to bear (interest) 
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