Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para downs en español


down verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
downed, has downed, is downing, downs
tumbar, derribar, abatir; derrotar

Ejemplos de uso de
down verb

  • The storm downed power lines throughout the city.
  • a large number of downed power lines
  • They were downing beers and watching the game on TV.
  • The quarterback downed the ball to stop the clock.

Sinónimos de
down verb

Frases relacionadas para downs

Traducción inversa para downs

tumbar  - to knock down, to fall down, to fell, to cut down 
derribar  - to demolish, to knock down, to shoot down, to bring down (an airplane), to overthrow 
abatir  - to demolish, to knock down, to shoot down, to depress, to bring low 
derrotar  - to defeat 
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