Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para deaf-mute en español


unfavorite favorite play sound
sordomudo, -da

deaf adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
Some deaf people use sign languages to communicate.

Ejemplos de uso de
deaf adjective

  • He has been deaf since birth.
  • She's completely deaf in her right ear.
  • He's going a little deaf so you'll have to speak up.

mute noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
mudo, -da (persona); sordina (para un instrumento musical)

Ejemplos de uso de
mute noun

  • I was practicing my trumpet at three in the morning when the mute fell out, and I managed to wake everyone up.

Traducción inversa para deaf-mute