Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para cuckoo en español

noun | adjective

cuckoo noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
cuco, cuclillo

Ejemplos de uso de
cuckoo noun

  • one cuckoo at the campground tried to boil soup in a plastic cup
  • didn't want to be among those cuckoos who race around the mall the day before Christmas

cuckoo adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
loco, chiflado

Ejemplos de uso de
cuckoo adjective

  • a cuckoo woman who wandered around town carefully gathering up useless trash
  • offered a completely cuckoo suggestion for using the defunct strip mall

Traducción inversa para cuckoo

cuco  - cuckoo 
loco  - crazy, insane, mad 
chiflado  - nuts, crazy 
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