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1 Resultado de traducción para crams en español


cram verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
crammed, has crammed, is cramming, crams
embutir, meter; estudiar a ultima hora, memorizar (para un examen); atiborrar, abarrotar
word of the day image
Minivan crammed full of luggage

Ejemplos de uso de
cram verb

  • He crammed the suitcase with his clothes.
  • Before the trip I crammed my head with information about Spain.

Sinónimos de
cram verb

Traducción inversa para crams

embutir  - to cram, to stuff, to jam, to inlay 
meter  - to put (in), to fit, to squeeze, to place (in a job), to involve, to make, to cause 
memorizar  (para un examen) - to memorize 
atiborrar  - to pack, to crowd 
abarrotar  - to fill up, to pack 
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