Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para clenched en español


clench verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
clenched, has clenched, is clenching, clenches
agarrar; apretar (el puño, los dientes)

Ejemplos de uso de
clench verb

  • He clenched his teeth and continued to look straight ahead.
  • He clenched his fists in anger.
  • She was angry and spoke quietly through clenched teeth.
  • His jaw clenched and unclenched as he listened to the speech.
  • She danced alone, with a rose clenched in her teeth.
  • He was clenching a cigarette in his teeth.

Sinónimos de
clench verb

Traducción inversa para clenched

agarrar  - to grab, to grasp, to catch, to take, to grapple 
apretar  (el puño, los dientes) - to press, to push, to press, to push (a button), to tighten, to fit tightly, to be too tight, to squeeze 
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