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1 Resultado de traducción para clashed en español


clash verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
clashed, has clashed, is clashing, clashes
sonar, chocarse; chocar, enfrentarse; estar en conflicto, oponerse; desentonar (dícese de los colores), coincidir (dícese de los datos)

Ejemplos de uso de
clash verb

  • Police and protesters clashed yesterday.
  • The sofa and the chair clash.
  • She ended the song by clashing the cymbals.

Sinónimos de
clash verb

Traducción inversa para clashed

sonar  - to ring, to sound, to blow (a trumpet, a nose), to ring (bells), to look or sound familiar 
chocar  - to crash, to collide, to shake (hands), to clash, to conflict, to clink glasses, to be shocking, to be unpleasant or obnoxious 
enfrentarse  - quarrel, fight, confront, face 
desentonar  (dícese de los colores) - to clash, to conflict, to be out of tune, to sing off-key 
coincidir  (dícese de los datos) - to coincide, to agree 
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