Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para civilised en español

adjective | verb

civilized adjective

unfavorite favorite
civilizado, desarrollado, avanzado

Ejemplos de uso de
civilized adjective

  • A civilized society must respond to crime with fairness and justice.
  • Stop yelling. We have to be more civilized about this.
  • Try to act like a civilized human being!
  • Let's find a civilized way to spend the evening.

civilize verb

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civilized, has civilized, is civilizing, civilizes

Ejemplos de uso de
civilize verb

  • Her parents hoped that boarding school might civilize her some.
  • a teacher who had a civilizing influence on the students
  • He is credited with civilizing the treatment of people with mental illnesses.
  • efforts to civilize the health-care system
  • They believed it was their duty to civilize the native people.

Traducción inversa para civilised

civilizado  - civilised 
desarrollado  - developed, industrialized 
avanzado  - advanced, progressive 
civilizar  - to civilize 
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