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1 Resultado de traducción para captivates en español


captivate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
captivated, has captivated, is captivating, captivates
cautivar, hechizar, encantar
word of the day image
The woman's singing captivates the audience.

Ejemplos de uso de
captivate verb

  • The play has been captivating audiences for years.
  • the clown captivated the toddlers with his balloon tricks

Sinónimos de
captivate verb

Sinónimos detallados para captivate verb

Ver: Attract

Traducción inversa para captivates

cautivar  - to captivate, to charm 
hechizar  - to bewitch, to charm 
encantar  - to enchant, to bewitch, to charm, to delight 
Word of the day

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