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1 Resultado de traducción para bluffed en español


bluff verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
bluffed, has bluffed, is bluffing, bluffs
fingir, aparentar, engañar, farolear

Ejemplos de uso de
bluff verb

  • She says someone else has made her a higher offer, but I think she's bluffing.
  • Don't listen to his threats—he's just bluffing you.
  • I bluffed my way through the interview.
  • Don't listen to his threats-he's just bluffing you.

Traducción inversa para bluffed

fingir  - to feign, to pretend 
aparentar  - to seem, to appear, to feign, to pretend 
engañar  - to trick, to deceive, to mislead, to delude, to cheat on, to be unfaithful to 
farolear  - (informal) to boast, to brag, (cards) to bluff 
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