Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para awes en español

noun | verb

awe noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
word of the day image
Seeing the Grand Canyon at sunrise leaves people with a feeling of awe.

Ejemplos de uso de
awe noun

  • It was a sight that filled me with awe and reverence.
  • a person who inspires feelings of awe in others

awe verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
awed, has awed, is awing, awes
abrumar, asombrar, impresionar

Ejemplos de uso de
awe verb

  • Her style both awes and perplexes me.

Traducción inversa para awes

asombro  - amazement, astonishment 
abrumar  - to overwhelm, to oppress, to burden 
asombrar  - to amaze, to astonish 
impresionar  - to impress, to strike, to make an impression, to affect, to move 
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