Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para articulated en español


articulate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
articulated, has articulated, is articulating, articulates
articular, enunciar, expresar; articular (en anatomía)

Ejemplos de uso de
articulate verb

  • He had some trouble articulating his thoughts.
  • We disagree with the views articulated by the administration.
  • a theory first articulated by ancient philosophers
  • the bones that articulate with the clavicle

Sinónimos de
articulate verb

Traducción inversa para articulated

articular  - to articulate, to utter, to connect with a joint, to coordinate, to orchestrate 
enunciar  - to enunciate, to state 
expresar  - to express 
articular  (en anatomía) - to articulate, to utter, to connect with a joint, to coordinate, to orchestrate 
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