Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para amounts en español

noun | verb

amount noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
cantidad, suma

Ejemplos de uso de
amount noun

  • What is the amount to be paid?
  • The drug is not being produced in adequate amounts.
  • An amount was finally agreed upon.
  • The new law limits the amount a candidate can spend.
  • When he died we found he owed money to the amount of $250,000!
  • He didn't lose a large amount of money.

Sinónimos de
amount noun

Sinónimos detallados para amount noun

Ver: Sum

amount verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
amounted, has amounted, is amounting, amounts
equivaler a, significar; ascender (a)

Traducción inversa para amounts

cantidad  - quantity, sum, amount (of money), a lot, a great many 
suma  - sum, quantity, addition 
significar  - to mean, to signify, to express, to make known 
ascender  (a) - to ascend, to rise up, to promote, to be promoted 
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