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2 Resultados de traducción para ailing en español

adjective | verb

ailing adjective

unfavorite favorite
enfermo; (figurado) descompuesto, que falla

ail verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
ailed, has ailed, is ailing, ails
molestar, afligir; sufrir, estar enfermo

Ejemplos de uso de
ail verb

  • This medicine is good for what ails you.
  • His back was ailing him.
  • She has been ailing for years.

Sinónimos de
ail verb

Sinónimos detallados para ail verb

Ver: Trouble

Traducción inversa para ailing

enfermo  - sick, ill 
descompuesto  (figurado)
molestar  - to be a nuisance, to annoy, to bother, to disturb, to disrupt 
afligir  - to distress, to upset, to afflict 
sufrir  - to suffer, to suffer, to tolerate, to put up with 
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