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2 Resultados de traducción para accustomed en español

adjective | verb

accustomed adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
usual, habitual; acostumbrado

Ejemplos de uso de
accustomed adjective

  • She arrived early enough to get her accustomed seat in the front row.
  • Josh felt uncomfortably full, as he was not accustomed to eating so much.

Sinónimos de
accustomed adjective

Sinónimos detallados para accustomed adjective

Ver: Usual

accustom verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
accustomed, has accustomed, is accustoming, accustoms
acostumbrar, habituar

Ejemplos de uso de
accustom verb

  • the task of accustoming new recruits to shipboard life

Traducción inversa para accustomed

usual  - usual, common, normal 
habitual  - habitual, customary 
acostumbrado  - accustomed, usual, customary 
acostumbrar  - to accustom, to be accustomed, to be in the habit 
habituar  - to accustom, to habituate 
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