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1 Resultado de traducción para earlier en español


early adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
primero; primitivo, antiguo; temprano, antes de la hora, prematuro

Ejemplos de uso de
early adjective

  • It was still early in the morning when she got out of bed.
  • She felt the early symptoms of the disease.
  • The early part of the book is better than the later part.
  • We had an early spring this year.
  • We're early. The show doesn't start for half an hour.
  • I've always been an early riser.

Sinónimos de
early adjective

¿Sabías esto?
  • Las palabras que terminan con ly son generalmente adverbios; no obstante, early es tanto adjetivo como adverbio. Ejemplo: Early birds are birds that arrive early in spring, after their winter migration.

Sinónimos detallados para early adjective

Ver: Preceding

Traducción inversa para earlier

primero  - first, top, leading, fundamental, basic 
primitivo  - primitive, original 
antiguo  - ancient, old, former, old-fashioned 
temprano  - early 
prematuro  - premature 
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