Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para find out en español


find out verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
found out, has found out, is finding out, finds out
descubrir, averiguar; enterarse

Ejemplos de uso de
find out verb

  • That was around the time that I found out I was adopted.
  • I don't know when the game starts, but I'll find out.
  • I found out where she lived by checking the phone book.

Sinónimos de
find out verb

find verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
found, has found, is finding, finds
encontrar, hallar; descubrir, darse cuenta de; declarar

Ejemplos de uso de
find verb

  • He found a dollar on the ground.
  • The well diggers found a number of Native American artifacts.
  • After an hour of searching, I finally found my glasses.
  • We need to find a suitable person for the job.
  • She found the answer at last.
  • They claim to have found a more efficient way to run the business.
  • researchers trying to find a cure for cancer
  • You must find time to do it.
  • I found a way to pay for college without taking out any loans.
  • She found the courage to address the crowd.

Sinónimos de
find verb

¿Sabías esto?
  • Tenga en cuenta que la forma en el pasado es found.

Traducción inversa para find out

descubrir  - to discover, to find out, to uncover, to reveal 
averiguar  - to find out, to ascertain, to investigate 
enterarse  - to find out, to learn