Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para duty en español


duty noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
deber, obligación, responsabilidad; impuesto, arancel

Ejemplos de uso de
duty noun

  • His primary duty at the event is to take attendance.
  • If new employees are unable to carry out their duties, they may be fired.
  • She has a variety of adminsitrative duties.
  • We felt it was our duty to help.
  • He has a duty to support his family.
  • They helped her out of a sense of duty.
  • I'll be ready when duty calls.
  • Her brother returned from duty overseas.
  • a twelve-month tour of duty
  • Many reserve troops were called into active duty.

Sinónimos detallados para duty noun

Ver: Function, Task

Frases relacionadas para duty

Traducción inversa para duty

deber  - duty, obligation 
obligación  - obligation, duty, bond, debenture 
responsabilidad  - responsibility 
impuesto  - tax 
arancel  - tariff, duty