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1 Resultado de traducción para flipping en español


flip verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
flipped, has flipped, is flipping, flips
moverse bruscamente; tirar; dar la vuelta a, voltear

Ejemplos de uso de
flip verb

  • She was sitting in the waiting room, flipping the pages of a magazine.
  • His car flipped over on the interstate.

Sinónimos de
flip verb

Traducción inversa para flipping

tirar  - to pull, to draw, to throw, to hurl, to toss, to shoot, to throw away, to throw out, to waste, to attract, to knock down, to shoot, to fire, to launch, to get by, to manage, to take (a photo), to print, to run off 
voltear  - to turn over, to turn upside down, to roll over, to do somersaults, to reverse, to turn inside out, to turn, to turn, to knock down 
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