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2 Resultados de traducción para ditches en español

noun | verb

ditch noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
zanja, fosa, cuneta (en una carretera)
word of the day image
Irrigation ditch between two fields of grass

Ejemplos de uso de
ditch noun

  • He drove the car into the ditch.
  • After skidding on the ice, our car went right into the ditch.

ditch verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
ditched, has ditched, is ditching, ditches
cavar zanjas en; deshacerse de, botar

Ejemplos de uso de
ditch verb

  • The thief ditched the purse in an alley.
  • They ditched the car in a vacant lot.
  • They ditched me at the concert.

Sinónimos de
ditch verb

Traducción inversa para ditches

zanja  - ditch, trench 
fosa  - ditch, pit, grave, cavity 
cuneta  (en una carretera) - ditch (in a road), gutter 
botar  - to throw, to fling, to hurl, to throw out, to throw away, to launch (a ship) 
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