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1 Resultado de traducción para violate en español


violate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
violated, has violated, is violating, violates
infringir, violar, quebrantar; profanar

Ejemplos de uso de
violate verb

  • He was arrested for violating his parole.
  • The company violated its customers' privacy.
  • She was attacked and violated by an unknown intruder.

Sinónimos de
violate verb

Traducción inversa para violate

infringir  - to infringe, to breach 
violar  - to rape, to violate (a law or right), to desecrate 
quebrantar  - to break, to split, to crack, to weaken, to violate (a law or contract) 
profanar  - to profane, to desecrate 
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